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Condo in Makaha - Leeward Oahu
HUGE PRICE REDUCTION! $50k+ lower than market value! Contractors special! Bring your offers now! Indulge in the mesmerizing panorama of breath taking ocean views from your 7th-floor sanctuary, nestled in this sandy beachfront condo, located on one of Oahu's most beautiful sandy and swimmable beaches. Awaken your senses with the symphony of waves serenading your morning coffee, while gentle sea turtles grace your view with their tranquil presence. Embrace a lifestyle of adventure, beauty and relaxation on the Leeward side of Oahu, enjoy the lush greenery of hiking and world-class golf courses, plunge into turquoise waters right outside your door for a refreshing swim, reel in the catch of the day or enjoy the whales and dolphins as they dance by. This unit is in great condition, but beckons for your personal touch to transform it into your own slice of paradise. Pictures are virtually renovated and staged. Seize the opportunity to claim your stake in this idyllic retreat in a gated community, with 1 deeded parking and plenty of guest parking! Don't miss this rare opportunity!
84-965 Farrington Highway A705 Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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