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Single Family Home
Maunaolu Estates - Leeward
This LEGAL SHORT TERM RENTAL at Cottages at Mauna 'Olu can be yours! Situated within the gated community of Mauna 'Olu Estates in lush Makaha Valley. Pride of ownership shines in this lovingly kept single family GEM! Plan 1 is an open floor plan with dining & entertaining on the same floor of your 3-bedroom 2 bath home. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this newly constructed community showcases island living at it's finest. Split AC units built into the unit by the developer as an upgrade serves all the main rooms keeping this home cool and comfortable all year. Parking for up to 5 vehicles and a solar hot water heater, the expansive lot also boasts a wi-fi enabled automated sprinkler system. Designed to maximize efficient use of land, the yard is accented by moss rock walls and is completely enclosed. Enjoy maximum privacy with no neighbors behind you and the shade of areca, Mango and Banana trees . Makaha is synonymous with world-class surf spots, and picturesque hiking trails, a golf course and is close to Ko ’Olina as well as Kapolei City & Ka Makana Alii Mall. Come live in this immaculately kept home or use as a short or long term rental.
84-835 Maiola Street Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 262-3104
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