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Single Family Home in Nanakuli - Leeward Oahu
Welcome to this stunning, fully enclosed property in Nanakuli. This custom layout features a beautifully tiled, open-concept living area, updated appliances, and split ACs for comfort. On the main level, you will find three bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and an interior laundry room. The second level includes an additional 528 sq. ft., featuring a permitted wet bar and another full bathroom. The spacious design lets you enjoy both mauka and makai views from the covered lanai or take a refreshing outdoor shower after a day at the beach. The high-ceiling carport provides extra multi-use space for gatherings or various projects. Nanakuli is a unique area with strong Native ties, both past and present. Schools and shopping are conveniently located just minutes away, and Oahu's best beaches are at your fingertips. Experience the culture and community that this historic town has to offer. Please note that ALL buyers must meet or qualify under the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands lessee requirements. The first available showings will be during the first open house. Please contact the listing agent for further information. The Open House is set for 3/23/25 from 1 to 4 p.m.
89-151 Nanaikala Street Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Vylla Home (808) 357-7712
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