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Single Family Home in Waianae - Leeward Oahu
Diamond in the rough. 2 homes on 3.41 acres of farmland in fertile Waianae valley. Very private down a long driveway. Fully fenced. The homes have tenants on month to month leases. The homes are rough with lots of deferred maintenance. Besides the 2 homes, there is a large concrete block vegetable processing building, 2 carports and a building formerly used as a walk in fridge. Large greenhouse frame. The most significant feature of the land is the naturally fertile land and the producing mango orchard of around 30 trees. Also, 8 citrus trees, 2 star fruit, 2 guava, 1 tamarind, 1 avocado 15 neem trees. Seller says dried neem leaves sell for $10/oz on Amazon. Fruit trees serviced by in-ground water pipe system. Irrigation piping map, soil analysis and list of mango trees are in supplements. Local food production is so needed and encouraged in these times. It can all be done here! Give this currently neglected farm the love it deserves and transform it into a food forest...you'll have a great start. So much potential here! Do not drive down driveway without an appointment. Do not disturb the tenants. Accepting back up offers.
85-775A Waianae Valley Road Waianae 96792 is listed Courtesy of Equity Hawaii Real Estate, Llc (808) 426-7875
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