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Vacant Land in Ag/Preserve - Makakilo Oahu
Discover a unique opportunity to become members of a cooperative at Kunia Loa Ridge Farmlands! This rare offering involves two AG-1 vacant lots that can be purchased together or individually: Lot #19-E (1.008 acres, 16.62% interest share) and Lot #19-F (1.002 acres, 16.52% interest share) with a lease expiration year of 2109. This is a great opportunity to engage in diverse farming ventures or strategic investments and signifies a commitment to sustainable and responsible living. The cooperative structure ensures collective well-being while allowing individual ownership, fostering a harmonious blend of community and independence. Don't miss out on your chance to become a part of Kunia's agricultural legacy.
94-1100 Kunia Road 19-E Waipahu 96797 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 488-7700
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