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Vacant Land in Ag/Preserve - Makakilo Oahu
Discover Your Ideal Agricultural Retreat in Kunia Loa Ridge Farmlands! Explore up to 4 acres of prime agricultural land in Lot 64, Kunia Ohana LLC, priced at $250,000 per acre (negotiable per seller). Situated in the upper section of Kunia Loa Ridge Farmlands (KLRF), this property offers breathtaking panoramic views from Waianae to Diamond Head and Schofield. As part of a 10-acre parcel, this 4-acre section comes with Co-Op ownership under a 99-year lease, with no lease rent. As a buyer, you'll become a Co-Op member, sharing ownership of KLRF's Fee Simple interest. KLRF is a thriving agricultural community in Central Oahu, dedicated to supporting Hawaii's people through sustainable farming practices. Farmers here respect the land by caring for it, protecting historical sites, and preserving agricultural land as green space. KUNIALOA RIDGE FARMLANDS This community offers privacy, accessibility, and incredible vistas, making it ideal for sustainable farming or a peaceful retreat. Whether you're looking to cultivate crops or enjoy tranquil island living, the potential is limitless. TMK records may not match county records, as tax assessments reflect the entire KLRF project.
94-1100 Kunia Road 64 Waipahu 96797 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Honolulu (808) 596-2888
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