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Single Family Home in Makakilo-Kahiwelo - Makakilo Oahu
Motivated Seller, Owner has an assumable VA Loan at: 2.375 % Welcome to the beautiful and pristine community of Kahiwelo! This humble abode features 3 bedrooms and 2 and a half baths, sitting at a whopping 6,900 sq feet! Sellers have taken remarkable care of the property & have upgraded it over the years. This home boasts 26 Solar panels with TWO tesla batteries to keep the electric bill low like the HOA fees. Kitchen upgraded over the course of the last few years such as: New Fridge, Microwave, Stove, Sink, & Faucet & updated cabinets to help out with those move in costs! Tile flooring installed in 2020 followed by a slew of upgrades two years later like a Water Softener system, Nest Thermostat, Solar Water Heater, & Remote window shades in the primary bedroom in 2022. This is indeed one of the bigger lots located in Kahiwelo, & just a few minutes away from shopping centers and schools. Conveniently located at the bottom of Makakilo to avoid most of that 3pm traffic back to the west side! Bring us an offer & let's do some business together!
92-719 Kuhoho Place Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Honolulu JesusR@remax.net
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