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Vacant Land in Makakilo-Upper - Makakilo Oahu
Discover a unique opportunity with this remarkable **1.314-acre** property, perfectly situated to blend residential and agricultural possibilities! Over **half of the land** is designated for **residential development**, offering the potential for building **five homes**, making it an ideal investment for developers or families looking to create a community. The remaining portion is **prime agricultural land**, providing ample space for cultivation or recreational use. With an existing **water meter** already on the property, this land is ready for your vision, whether it’s developing a new neighborhood or enjoying the serenity of rural living. Don’t miss out on this rare chance to own a piece of land that offers both residential development potential and the charm of farmland. Embrace the possibilities today!
92-612 Nohona Street 1 Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Kona Realty All Islands Llc (808) 308-2400
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