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Condo in Ala Moana - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Ocean Views, Excellent location moments from the beach, Ala Moana Park, famous suf spts and world class shopping at Ala Moana Shopping Mall. This 1-bedroom , 1-bathroom with upgraded kitchen, bathroom new plumbing fresh new painting and refinished wood flooring on FL., light fixtures, new faucets for with washer/dryer in the unit, includes a storage sapce locted on the same floor, has easy access to the Ala Wai Canal ideal for padding, stand up boarding and access to the sea. This Hight floor apt enjoys cool tradewinds and generous natural light. Enjoy ocean view beautiful sunsets, and yachts sailing out of the harbor every Friday afternoon. It's all about the great location, a relaxed lifestyle , private yacht clubs, Magic Ilsand, White san beaches and Secured lobby and elevator.
419 Atkinson Drive 1506 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 735-4200
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