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Chinatown - Metro Honolulu
Luxurious, fully remodeled one bedroom condominium now available! If you are looking for a custom high end renovation, but don’t want to spend a year waiting on the supply chain and dealing with contractors, this unit is a dream come true! Enjoy amazing views of the ocean, harbor and downtown from the large spacious lanai on the 34th floor. The owner spared no expense on every detail which makes this unit truly one-of-a-kind. The luxurious interior features ultra high end brands and custom finishes - Subzero refrigerator, Wolf steam oven with cooktop and hood, Kohler faucets, led illuminated custom countertop/bar, custom blossom lights from 3form, maple wood kitchen cabinet with custom frosted glass, Asko washer/dryer, deep soak tub, and a brand new Toto washlet toilet. Owner also invested thousands in properly cleaning the AC ducts to ensure clean air throughout the unit and upgraded thermostat. The building is packed with amenities which include a large gym, pool, large jacuzzi, tennis court, bowling alley, racquetball/basketball court, koi pond, bbq area, car wash and so much more. Close distance to the downtown offices and many hidden restaurant gems. Must see!
1212 Nuuanu Avenue 3411 Honolulu 96817 is listed Courtesy of Compass (808) 825-4277
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