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Downtown - Metro Honolulu
Fee available and fully hurricane insured! Sold fully-furnished, this beautifully renovated townhome-style condo in Executive Centre offers an expansive, open layout ideal for entertaining! Facing west, enjoy city and sunset views; at night, the city lights up! Its large interior and lanai offer a combined 1,200+ sq ft of indoor/outdoor living, a rare find in downtown Honolulu's condo market. Upon entering the foyer, the split-level design adds depth and scale. Floor-to-ceiling sliding doors span the main living area, bringing in natural light and connecting to the large lanai. Investors and business owners can appreciate its BMX-4 usage and short-term rental (STR) potential. The stylish decor and furnishings further create a cohesive and comfortable living experience. Enjoy pool on same level, right outside front door! Plus, building security! Set in the heart of Oahu's downtown financial district, plenty business, retail, and trendy restaurant experiences await, as well as investment efforts to revitalize this bustling urban area. Live within a 5-mile radius to the best of Honolulu: Ala Moana mall, Diamond Head, Waikiki, the airport, and quick freeway access to the rest of Oahu.
1088 Bishop Street 1118 Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Hmsvc Hi Re (808) 792-3910
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