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Condo in Downtown - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Price just R3duced $15,000. Large townhouse with large lanai for entertaining! Unit currently is an Architect firm with 4 large work stations downstairs and a large office upstairs with bathroom. Downstairs has a half a bathroom and kitchen. Unit can be used as residential purpose. Nestled in the heart of the vibrant Central Business District, it offers unparalleled convenience, directly on the bus line for effortless commuting and easy freeway access. Indulge in a lifestyle where everything is at your fingertips – from renowned restaurants to picturesque beaches, esteemed banks to bustling establishments. Plus, with Chinatown just a stroll away, cultural immersion awaits. Embrace the versatility of BMX mixed use zoning, allowing for residential, business, or hotel purposes, making this property a prime investment opportunity. Experience urban sophistication at its finest – seize this chance to make it yours today! Fee Purchase is currently available is $395,052 if recorded before 12/31/2024 and shall increase by $926.40 on January 1, 2025 and every month thereafter closing. Parking fees is flat $1,500. Please enquire for more information. (Fees Purchase may subject to change.)
1088 Bishop Street 1213 Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Ohana Intl Premier Realty (808) 351-1888
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