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Condo in Downtown - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Luxury 1-Bedroom Condo with Mountain Views – Downtown Honolulu Live in style at Executive Centre (1088 Bishop St.) in this fully furnished, high-floor 1BR/1BA condo with 650 sq ft of prime downtown living space with reserved parking. Enjoy breathtaking mountain views, a jacuzzi tub, in-unit washer/dryer, king-sized bed, and a dedicated workspace. Turnkey Investment – Already in the Aston hotel pool, generating an average revenue of $5,415/month (2024). Move in or earn passive income immediately. Prime Location & Conveniences: - Dining: Award-winning The Pig & The Lady, Bar Leather Apron, and Fête. - Shopping: Ala Moana Center, Whole Foods , Safeway, Chinatown’s fresh markets. - Entertainment: Hawai‘i Theatre, Kumu Kahua Theatre, Honolulu Museum of Art - Transit: Well-connected public transport for easy commuting. Own a piece of Honolulu’s thriving urban landscape—schedule a showing today!
1088 Bishop Street 3510 Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Kometani, Inc. (808) 591-8166
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