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Condo in Downtown - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Prince Tower, lower floor. Perfect for first time homebuyer or investor. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath unit has a spacious-open floorplan; Ewa facing and NOT on Pali Hwy. Unit could use some updating but is in good condition. 1 covered, assigned parking stall and lots of guest parking. Queen Emma Gardens, is nestled on an 8-Acre Oasis next to Chinatown and Downtown Honolulu with amenities that include open grass lawns, huge pool, a keiki pool/playground, private barbeque stations, a walking/jogging path for your daily exercise and 24/7 on site security and video. Entertain in the Asian inspired "Teahouse" surrounded by koi and duck ponds. Management has movie nights during the summer and hosts holiday events for the residents. A wonderful project by award winning architectural building and landscape designed by Minoru Yamasaki. Close to grocery shopping, hospitals, freeway access, bus routes, etc. High-speed fiber optic Internet and cable available to residents including common area WiFi. Pet friendly building; community laundry. Electric is sub-metered.
1511 Nuuanu Avenue 322 Honolulu 96817 is listed Courtesy of Island, Realtors (808) 687-8000
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