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Condo in Holiday Mart - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Welcome to elegant Sky Waikiki in the heart of Honolulu! A great investment opportunity to own in this prestigious condo that includes endless amenities such as a heated pool, fitness center, spa, concierge services, and 24-hour security. This condo includes furnishings, modern appliances, and sleek design elements, making it move-in ready. Currently part of a hotel pool, you have the flexibility of renting out your unit or enjoying it for personal use. Enjoy the convenience of walking distance to Waikiki Beach, world-class shopping, and local eateries. Whether you’re shopping as an investor or looking to live in a luxury beachfront community, come see all that this home has to offer TODAY!
1390 Kapiolani Boulevard 3503 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Hi Roots Realty Llc (808) 292-8071
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