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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Kakaako lifestyle without the luxury price tag! 2 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, and 2 parking stalls in an award winning, PET FRIENDLY building. RENOVATED with new paint, kitchen countertops, new sink and fixtures, stylish vinyl plant flooring, and recoated bath tubs. Exceptional value for the price with an HOA fee around $1.12 per sf. Wake up to sunrises and rainbows almost daily. Take in NATURAL LIGHT, sweeping mountain views unblocked by other buildings, with city lights at night. You'll appreciate the coolness from the hot afternoon sun also saving you money on electric bills. Secure building with its own grassy park for safe, outdoor play. 2 pets allowed, up to 35 lbs (verify). Amenities include swimming pool, jacuzzi, fitness center with Peloton bikes, dry sauna, 2 theatre rooms, lots of sitting areas and places to gather with family and friends. Whole Foods is practically a stone's throw away. Enjoy the benefits of Ward Village without having to pay for it! Plus, you're surrounded by endless entertainment with the Blaisdell Center just across the street and Ala Moana Beach Park just 3 blocks away. Kakaako 2 bedrooms with this much to offer under $1M are hard to come by.
1009 Kapiolani Boulevard 4011 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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