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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
Extraordinary combined residence at Victoria Place, Ward Village's premier luxury front-row building. This rare offering boasts breathtaking unobstructed views of the ocean, marina, iconic Diamond Head, and mesmerizing sunsets. Its expansive floor plan comprises the 00 and 02 stacks with 3,152 square feet of living space, built as one from inception to offer three bedrooms, an office, and two spacious living areas, creating unmatched space and versatility for luxurious, easy island living. Furniture by Henderson Design negotiable. Four parking stalls and extra-large deeded storage are included. Ward Village's newest residence offers elevated amenities that surpass those found in Oahu's most exclusive private clubs, with space for residents to host friends and family as they would at a private estate. Designed to meet every need with three pristine pools, hot and cold plunges, spa, state-of-the-art fitness center, exercise studio, Lauhala Pool House for private events, and guest suites. Enjoy access to the owner's wine room, chef's table, private dining room, and an indoor-outdoor lobby area to welcome you home, seamlessly integrating the Hawaiian landscape with luxurious living.
1100 Ala Moana Boulevard 1400/1402 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Hmsvc Hi Re (808) 792-3910
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