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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
Welcome to Anaha and this grand luxury 3 bd, 3 1/2 bath condo in Kakaako's vibrant Ward Village. Surrounded by world class shops & restaurants, beaches & entertainment. This furnished masterpiece is the best & lowest priced "00" stack, ready for you to begin life in paradise. The expansive open concept living space transports you to a gracious lifestyle. Upgraded kitchen with Miele appliances including espresso coffee machine, full-size wine chiller & Gracia Water Purifier. Hardwood and custom stone flooring throughout. Automated window shades envelop this stunning unit. There are two ensuite baths with soaking tubs. All baths are equipped with Toto toilets.With panoramic Diamond Head, ocean, mountain and cityscape views, sunsets and sunrises await you. Concierge service provides for your needs along with 24 hour security. Enjoy every kind of resort-like amenity every day or evening, 365 days a year. Fitness Center, Yoga, Golf Simulator, Tennis Court, Coffee Lounge, Billiard Room, Theater, Chef's Kitchen, Cabanas, Barbecue, Dog Park, Steam & Dry Sauna and the renowned Glass Bottom Pool. Covered side by side parking, guest parking and additional storage make life convenient!
1108 Auahi Street 1100 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Hi Home For Sellers & Buyers (808) 358-8828
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