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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Waiea, Ward Village’s Flagship Building in both design and daily services offered to Residents, is TRULY–a concierge/service-oriented building. Waiea’s hotel/resort style amenities/services include daily coffee at the Ocean Terrace Lounge overlooking the infinity edge pool/deck, private cabanas, concierge and staffed/manned front desk/entry lobby. World-class workout facilities, locker rooms, movie theatre, golf simulation room, chef’s/catering kitchen and entertainment areas are just to name a few. Guest Suites, generous in size/service keep guests close and pampered! Residence 2801 features soaring 10-foot ceilings, retractable glass sliding walls open the gourmet kitchen/dining/living areas to a massive 336 square foot terrace overlooking the Harbor and Sunset/Ocean Views. Arrival at Residence 2801 is made by Private Elevator/Foyer exclusive to only a few of the the Tower Residences. Three generous sized ensuite bedrooms all feature ocean views. The Primary/Secondary Suites access the 336 sqft terrace connecting the Residence forward to the Ocean/Sunset Views. stones throw to Ala Moana/ Waikiki Shopping and Beaches, Whole Foods, Urgent Care, casual/fine dining and nightlife.
1118 Ala Moana Boulevard 2801 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 596-0456
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