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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
LOWEST HIGH FLOOR UNIT WITH LANAI! OCEAN, SUNSET, CITY & COASTAL VIEWS! 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2 side-by-side Parking Stalls. ENGINEERED WOOD FLOORING. NEW PAINT. CALIFORNIA CLOSET SYSTEM. Custom Built large FOOD PANTRY. Washer, Dryer & Dishwasher 6 months old. 24/7 LIVE SECURITY. Non-Smoking building. Indoor amenities include Theatre, Huge Party Room with separate kitchen room, Game room, Billiard room & Conference room with Copy Machine. All amenities rooms are WiFi Connected. Outdoor amenities include Heated Swimming Pool, Whirlpool, Putting Green, 2 Tennis or Pickle ball courts, 6 BBQ pits, Dog Park and Walking Path. Great LOCATION! Walking distance to Ala Moana Shopping Center, Beach and Park, Ward theaters, Whole Foods, South Shore Market, Boutique shops, Bank of Hawaii, restaurants, Coffee shops and more! We also have the desirable Island Club & Spa with all its modern exercise machines. Free classes are offered everyday like Zumba, Stretch, Body toning, etc. One pet allowed under 25 lbs. Very easy to show. Short notice okay. Listor lives in the building. TEXT or CALL LISTOR. Please visit my virtual tour.
1177 Queen Street 3407 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Nell Properties (808) 593-7808
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