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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
Rarely available: this elegant three-bedroom residence is situated on the 45th floor of Koolani highly sought-after northeast-facing corner with unparalleled vistas of Honolulu's most renowned landmarks: Diamond Head, the Ko’olau mountain range, the Pacific Ocean, Ala Moana Beach Park and Waikiki, it boasts a front-row seat view for the Friday night fireworks, providing a backdrop for entertaining. This 09 stack orientation allows natural trade-winds to flow into the space; primary bedroom suite is privately separate from other bedrooms, hardwood flooring and floor-to-ceiling windows enhance a spacious and light-filled interior. The gourmet kitchen is equipped with Viking appliances and a gas cook-top, ideal for enjoying a quiet meal at home while admiring the breathtaking scenery. Located in Kaka’ako district that offers an opportunity to live and play in one of the most desirable locations in the world. Resort-style amenities that include TWO tennis courts, heated pool, whirlpool, theater, billiard room, large party room, BBQ cabanas, business center and state-of-the-art gym. With 370 residences in total, Koolani is designed to provide the ultimate in comfort and luxury.
1177 Queen Street 4509 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Compass (808) 825-4277
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