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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Price improvement on this secure 1 bed, 1 bath, upscale condo at award winning One Waterfront Towers, which offers Honolulu Harbor, sunset, and city views from your picture windows (with shutters) and spacious private lanai. It has a renovated kitchen done in 2014, new luxury vinyl plank flooring added in 2019, and new refrigerator and dishwasher added in 2021. The building offers an array of amenities, including state of the art fitness centers, heated swimming pool, jacuzzi, barbeque areas, tennis courts and 24 hour security. 1 secured and covered parking stall on the 3rd floor, not too far from the elevator entrance door. The building is FULLY INSURED FOR HURRICANE AND OTHER INSURANCE, pet friendly and sprinklered, with only 4 units per floor (all owner occupied on this floor). AOAO just finished installing wireless water sensors which sends live data to the security office and warns if water is detected. THE SELLERS HAVE PAID OFF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT and the monthly fee includes all utilities (see the supplements for an example) Electric amount added on based on usage. Situated in Kakaako, you're steps away from SALT, world class dining, shopping, and entertainment.
425 South Street 903 Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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