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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
Experience luxury living in this expansive 2-story, 3-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom penthouse loft at The Imperial Plaza with $250k in upgrades. This breathtaking residence provides sweeping views of the city, Diamond Head, and the Koolau Mountains. The open-concept layout highlights premium finishes such as marble and Merbau wood flooring, along with impressive concrete vaulted ceilings. The gourmet kitchen features top-of-the-line Miele appliances and storage space. The master suite includes a generous walk-in closet and an opulent en-suite bathroom. This unit is offered fully furnished. The interior décor is thoughtfully crafted by designer June Udell. Her signature style embodies a chic New York loft aesthetic. The furnishings are Natuzzi-inspired, embodying beauty, craftsmanship, and comfort. Amenities include 3 BBQ's and 2 Jacuzzis. Located in the vibrant Kakaako neighborhood, residents are steps away from the harbor, exciting dining, shopping at the the well known Ala Moana mall, and entertainment options. The penthouse location is centrally located to the Honolulu airport. Additionally, seller is offering a 2016 Lexus NX200T that can be negotiated with the Sale.
725 Kapiolani Boulevard 3903 Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Honolulu (808) 212-9188
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