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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
HUGE PRICE REDUCTION!!!! Rarely available, Seller Motivated, & lowest price, for high floor, 1 bed 1 bath unit at Royal Court in Kakaako! Extra large and clean 1 bedroom, 630 sq. ft. interior , with large 87 sq.ft. covered balcony Overlooking Blaisedell Concert Hall with panoramic city views captivating in the day or night! Pet friendly condominium, with 1 assigned, secured, partially covered parking stall included. Newer appliances make this mostly original condition unit quite livable and comfortable as Buyers can pick there own future remodeling designs. Royal Court was constructed as a Luxury building in the 1970s, and the remodeled elevators, and pristine lobby area still exude this prideful concept. Lots of closet space in unit, extra storage lockers on each floor. Coveted Kakaako location that is close to many gourmet eateries & clubs, live shows, Honolulu Art Gallery, Farmers Market, & symphonies are at your doorstep! This unit has lower maintenance fees, than most condominiums and the buildngs well managed. Great security entrance to Lobby and vehicle parking, with onsite Resident Manager, huge swim pool, lawn chairs, baths & showers too! $360,000 Fee Simple
920 Ward Avenue 9B Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Harper Island Realty Llc (808) 397-9894
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