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Condo in Kakaako - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Furnished with the developer's top tier furniture package for efficient and luxurious living, make this piece of Kakaako your home or pied-a-terre. Just a couple blocks to the largest beach park in the state of Hawaii that features surfing, white sand beach, picnic areas, running trails, protected swimming areas, and so much more. The Kakaako neighborhood has everything you need right out the front door. Whether your enjoy top rated restaurants, breakfast hideaways, Whole Foods, or economical diners there is something for every taste nearby. Are you a digital nomad? There's a shared work space with a huge community just around the corner at the Hub. Come see the top floor that has large work out area with free weights and machines, yoga/stretching room, rooftop hang out, reservable movie room for entertaining, group meeting rooms, and lots of little areas that create intimate areas throughout the building. Did I mention the full size pool and hot tubs with BBQs and cabanas on the 8th floor pool deck. There is just so much that you get with buying into these super efficient studios in a full amenity building. Covered car parking. VA Assumable loan - email agent
987 Queen Street 1208 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Theoahuagents.Com (808) 271-2223
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