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Kakaako - Metro Honolulu
Welcome to your stylish 1-bed, 1-bath unit that blends modern comfort with urban living. This open-concept layout, maximizes natural light and creates a warm, inviting atmosphere. The sleek bathroom showcases contemporary fixtures and finishes. Enjoy a host of amenities at your fingertips, including: Workout Room: Stay fit and active in our fully-equipped gym, featuring state-of-the-art exercise machines and weights, Yoga Room: Unwind and recharge in a serene yoga studio, perfect for meditation and stretching, Movie Theatre: Experience cinema-quality entertainment in our exclusive movie theatre, ideal for cozy movie nights with friends, Work Space: A dedicated workspace is available for those who work from home, equipped with high-speed internet and comfortable seating, And More: Additional amenities include a high-floor terrace, lounge areas, and community events designed to foster connection and enjoyment among residents. Located in a vibrant neighborhood with convenient access to shopping, dining, and public transport, this unit is perfect for those seeking a dynamic lifestyle without sacrificing comfort. Don't miss the opportunity to call this stunning property home!
988 Halekauwila Street 2302 Honolulu 96814 is listed Courtesy of Bhgre Advantage Realty (808) 738-3600
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