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Single Family Home
Kamehameha Heights - Metro Honolulu
Brand-new custom-built luxury palace featuring an American made elevator accessing each of the 3 levels graced by stunning sweeping East to West vistas.This 8bdrm/4.5Bath compound completed in 2024,was built on a solid strong hard rock foundation from the ground up.This smart home was designed for one large family or multifamily generational living with ample parking for 8 cars,24 PV PANELS (2)TESLA POWER WALLS/CHARGER,(6)security cameras,(3 separate entries,(3)water heaters,(4)control panels (2)electric submeters,aluminum alloy heat resistant double-tempered glass windows/doors with SS screens throughout,Mitsubishi split AC's,commercial W/D,landscaping,& a huge garage.The main 3rd floor level provides a wide-open living room & kitchen layout with smart appliances,voice-controlled recessed lights & smart curtain system,CAT-7 Ethernet wiring,& balconies for each room. The primary suite offers a large walk-in closet,custom en-suite bath with a thermal hot tub with jet/bubble massage & music. Abutting Kam Schools and a nature preserve,this stunning residence offers privacy & tranquility,minutes to Downtown Honolulu,airport,hospitals,parks,shops,& restaurants.
2364 Makanani Drive Honolulu 96817 is listed Courtesy of Graham Realty Inc. (808) 536-9626
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