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Single Family Home in Kapalama - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Don't miss out on this unique property zoned R-5, perfect for visionaries and creatives! This charming property features 2 buildings with separate living quarters, with plenty room for family, friends, or rental. Imagine transforming these spaces into your dream home or an inviting guest retreat! That’s not all—this property also boasts a ground floor that was previously a commercial space ready to elevate your entrepreneurial dreams. With high ceilings and a convenient roll-up gate, the retail or industrial potential here is boundless. Picture your business thriving in this vibrant community hub! While the living quarters currently lack kitchens and toilets, the potential is limitless. Some architectural drawings are available, setting the stage for your creative vision to come to life. Please note that the landlord is in the process of obtaining proper permits, paving the way for future renovations. This is a fantastic opportunity to dive into a property with character, charm, and endless potential. Whether you’re an investor looking for a project or someone seeking a versatile space, this is your chance to make it happen! Also listed as commercial - see MLS 202505415
1104 Palama Street Honolulu 96817 is listed Courtesy of Ilc & Swell Realty Llc (808) 951-4177
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