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Kapio/Kinau/Ward - Metro Honolulu
Improved price! Restored corner end 1 bedroom 1 bath with 608 sq ft including lanai. Sunny vibrant unit reimagined with breathtaking city views. Overlooks historic landmark buildings preserving views for generations. Full home restoration Kitchen: Custom luxury tile backsplash, upgraded appliances, new stainless steel sink, restored cabinets, adorable pass thru window from kitchen to lanai. UV protected privacy tinted windows in living room and bedroom, new Armstrong faux wood ceiling panels, acacia waterproof engineered hardwood flooring with 100% cork liner for comfort and sound proofing, acacia hardwood decking on lanai, modern light fixtures, new vanity w/ quartz counter top, reglazed tub / shower tiles and new bluetooth speaker in bathroom, custom walk-in closet. Building includes 24hr. video surveillance accessible on Spectrum, secured parking garage & 2 guest parking, beautiful lobby, on-site laundry, relax and enjoy the swimming pool/jacuzzi. Excellent location close proximity to Queens and Straub hospitals, downtown, Honolulu Museum of Art, eateries, shopping and more. Calm sanctuary awaiting for your home or investment. Owners are negotiable. Sunday 2/23 Open House 2-5.
785 Kinau Street 804 Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Young Properties, Inc. (808) 596-8777
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