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Condo in Makiki Area - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Welcome to your FEE SIMPLE tropical oasis in vibrant Makiki! This beautifully designed and rarely available Oahuan condo offers the perfect blend of modern comfort with the Island charm of Old Hawaii! Unit was fully renovated in 2017 and has an open concept living area filled with natural lights, ideal for relaxing. Step outside onto your private balcony, where you can sip coffee while viewing a beautiful sunrise. Sparkling pool on premises, perfect for cooling off and exercising. Maintenance fee includes ELECTRICITY, internet, sewer, water and common area expenses. Sold FULLY FURNISHED - great for a first time homebuyer or UH college student! Board meeting just took place and there will be NO maintenance fee increases for 2025! Located just minutes from world famous beaches, shopping, dining, entertainment and very close to bus stops and freeway cutoffs. Schedule your private showing before it's gone!
1700 Makiki Street 222 Honolulu 96822 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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