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Single Family Home
Makiki Heights - Metro Honolulu
Discover an exceptional private sanctuary, nestled along Makiki Heights Drive, where breathtaking Pacific Ocean views stretch from Diamond Head to Waikiki to Downtown Honolulu. Gated entry, a large motor court, & 4-car garage welcome you home; step inside & find a commanding 6-bedroom, 8,323 sq.ft. luxury residence featuring a grand 2-story main living area, maid's quarters, wine cellar, formal dining room, multiple pocket doors & lanai access points, & much more. A serene outdoor world awaits, with walking paths, secret gardens, & secluded spaces nestled among tropical landscaping, herb gardens, flowering foliage, & old-growth Longan, Avocado, & citrus trees. This sale represents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to own a legacy large-parcel residence with unobstructed vistas of Oahu's iconic scenery & destinations. Situated minutes to urban Honolulu, fine dining, boutique shops & daily needs, plus near-endless options for beach activities & entertainment. Welcome home to 2443 Makiki Heights Drive. Listing includes enhanced, virtually staged and zoomed-in photos.
2443 Makiki Hts Drive Honolulu 96822 is listed Courtesy of Sachi Hi Pacific Century Prop. (808) 596-8801
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