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Single Family Home in Manoa Area - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Discover island living at its finest in this meticulously renovated single-family home, completely refreshed in 2024, nestled against the lush mountains of Manoa. Enjoy tranquility and privacy on 8,900 square feet of land with no backyard neighbors. Inside, experience modern luxury and natural beauty, featuring a newly remodeled kitchen equipped with brand new appliances including an oven/range combo, dishwasher, and microwave hood. The heart of the home is the updated kitchen, perfect for gatherings and culinary inspiration. Relax in the renovated bathroom with a state-of-the-art LED vanity mirror and sophisticated tile shower. Each bedroom offers ample space and natural light. Additionally, all ceiling fans throughout the home are brand new. With brand new paint throughout, as well as newly installed toilets and vanity sinks, this property truly feels like a fresh start. With vast potential for outdoor living, this property is a blank canvas for your vision. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to own paradise in Manoa. Schedule your showing today!
3063 Woolsey Place Honolulu 96822 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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