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Single Family Home in Papakolea - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Indredible opportunity to build your dream home on Hawaiian Home Lands! This rare offering features a spacious lot with breathtaking views of the coastline, bay, & city skyline. the existing structure is a tear-down, providing a clean slate for you to create a custom home that maximizes these stunning vistas. Entry to the property is prohibited due to the current state of the home. Buyers must be at least 50% Hawaiian & registered on the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) waitlist to qualify. Don't miss your chance to secure a piece of paradise and be part of this special community. Contact DHHL for more information on eligibility & application. To be sold "As Is". Papakolea is a land section in the Ahupua'a of Honolulu, & it means plover flats, referencing the kolea bird or the pacific golden plover. Papakolea homestead is the 8th homestead established by the DHHL in September 1937. Papakolea, Kewalo, & Kalawahine homesteads, collectively called the Papakolea region, is a native Hawaiian community that thrives on the traditions & values set forth by its founding members, & serves as a place of growth & learning for current & future generations.
439 Iaukea Street Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Hmsvc Hi Re (808) 792-3910
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