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Punchbowl Area - Metro Honolulu
Come and see this unbelievable unit, which has 3 bedrooms, 2.1 baths and 2 covered and secured parking stalls. It has been extensively renovated to provide modern comforts while showcasing panoramic views of the city, ocean, and mountains. This residence features an open floor plan that enhances the sense of space and allows for a flexible interior design. The renovations include a modernized kitchen and bathrooms, updated flooring, and contemporary fixtures, all aimed at elevating the living experience. The Royal Vista's unique architectural design ensures that this unit benefits from clear, unobstructed views, thanks to the building's angled structure. This design maximizes privacy and allows this owner to enjoy the natural beauty surrounding the Punchbowl area. There is plenty of storage within the kitchen and room closets, as well as an additional pantry and full-size storage closet near the front door. There is a storage locker for this unit located downstairs as well. Exercise in the pool or gym and then come upstairs to enjoy the scenic views from every window in this home. The details include the designer walls as well as the 2-part lighting in the bathrooms and kitchen.
1022 Prospect Street 908D Honolulu 96822 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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