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Punchbowl Area - Metro Honolulu
Are you a savvy real estate investor seeking a centrally-located and fully-occupied apartment building? Look no further! Ideally located in lower Nuuanu only moments from the excitement of Downtown, this 20-unit property offers residents unparalleled comfort with tons of nearby conveniences. Concrete construction, four-floor walkup (5-units per floor) with a 1:1 parking ratio. Each 2BR/1BA unit boasts a well-maintained interior, which includes neutral paint tones, openly flowing layouts, tons of natural light, spacious living room, two large bedrooms, full bathroom, and a fully-equipped kitchen. Residents occupying the first-floor also enjoy the benefit of a private back patio area. Additional considerations include separate electrical meters, easy access to windward side, lovely views, and more! Take advantage of this rare opportunity to add a unique property to your growing portfolio. NOI is actual with many under market rent units. Please contact Listor with additional questions and interior showings will be subjected to accepted offer. Please submit offers on the Commercial Purchase and Sale Agreement form. DO NOT DISTURB tenants.
1747 Pali Highway Honolulu 96813 is listed Courtesy of Real Estate Specialists (808) 791-3709
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