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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
The most Amazing Location on the Island. At the Entrance to Waikiki- ahead of where it gets jammed with cars and people! The building grounds are Lush and Tropical --- Beautiful! The Lobby is spacious and open to the Air; the salt water pool, the barbeque grills and areas and the Plaza connecting the two towers are all lovely. Surfboard and Bicycle racks on on site. On a Major Bus Line, and walking distance to hundreds of venues, so that you may not even need a car if you live here! The Tradewinds is across from 2 Major Hotels, and Walking distance to 4 beaches, including Ala Moana Beach Park, Magic Island, Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach, and Hilton Lagoon Beach. Two Yacht Clubs are also within walking distance, as are several fine restaurants, casual dining venues and tons of shops. 2 blocks from Ala Moana Shopping Center, Close to Target, Walmart and Sam's Club. Food Pantry and ABC stores are within 1 block. This Leasehold Co-Op apartment was recently remodeled, and is ready for you to move in. Short term rentals prohibited for your safety. Entry to the Property is via use of a Security Key, and there is video camera coverage and Evening and Nighttime Security Guard Service.
1720 Ala Moana Boulevard B208 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Royal Hawaiian Properties, Inc (808) 941-6111
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