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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Enjoy Spectacular Ocean and Lagoon View, Ala Moana Beach Park from this rarely available, fully furnished, at the landmark oceanfront ILIKAI HOTEL with Large 120 Sq.Ft. Balcony is superb and comfortably furnished, ideal for those morning breakfasts. Investment Ready! Vacation Rental opportunity in the Iconic Ilikai! turnkey ready for you to move in or add to your investment portfolio. Amazing location in Waikiki with proximity to beautiful beaches. Ala Moana Shopping Center, world class dining and nightlife. Available to show on short notice. Hotel amenities include two heated swimming pools, popular restaurants, direct pathway down to the Beach. Zoned for legal daily rentals, Sold AS IS Use Vern Heath Premier Title & Escrow Office
1777 Ala Moana Boulevard 620 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Hand Properties (808) 949-0603
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