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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Excellent value and exceptional location - welcome to Hawaiiana Gardens! Step into this 1-bed, 1-bath unit offering a 445 sqft interior with an efficient, functional layout - this is an ideal blank canvas ready to be tailored to your style. Take in the sunlight and treetop view. Enjoy the convenience of on-site community laundry and a site manager. The best part? The location! Nestled at the peaceful southwestern edge of Waikiki, you're just minutes from the buzz of the main strip, while being a short distance from Ala Moana Beach Park and Ala Moana Shopping Center. An array of shops, restaurants, small-business, services and outdoor activities are within minutes from your doorstep. The owner is renting a parking stall for $150.00/month. Priced right for someone looking to start their homeownership journey, or an investor looking for steady rental income. This is your chance to experience the timeless charm of retro Waikiki. Some photos enhanced.
1821 Lipeepee Street 204 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Royal Realty Llc (808) 780-2975
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