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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Great potential in PET friendly building. Grocery/deli located on ground level. Owners moving to mainland.Extended lease-2069 purchased & recorded on 5/10/2021. Important: Besides Fee Simple units there are 2 leases in this building with different lease terms ending in 2039 and 2069. Fee Purchase NOT available at this time. Preferred lease until 2069 allowing a 30 year mortgage. Enjoy new water resistance vinyl-wood planking flooring installed Sept/2023 with 35 feet of living and dining room space. Asbestos treated pop-corn ceiling has ALREADY been removed and a new A/C has replaced the original unit with extra UV drying light system installed. Wailana is located across the street from Waikiki white sands beaches and a short walk to Ala Moana Shopping Center and park. Great Waikiki location. Easy access to Wailana and buses. This is an END unit with two storage lockers just outside the front door. Included with this sale are a full size washer/dryer, refrigerator, stove with built in microwave a jacuzzi bathtub in a pet friendly building allowing 2 dogs or 2 cats weighing up to 35 lbs each. Nice lanai. Fast closing possible. Electric is separately metered. Other is a Reserve.
1860 Ala Moana Boulevard 1210 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Ehawaiiproperty.Com (808) 386-2472
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