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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Reduced price for this stunning, immaculate and beautifully upgraded condo at Waikiki Landmark featuring energy star top-of-the-line kitchen appliances: Miele cooktop and washer/dryer, Fisher Paykel refrigerator, Bosch microwave, Cafe oven with air fry mode, Kitchen Aid dishwasher and custom Italian Calacatta marble backsplash. All three A/C's have been redone and lighting is LED. New high-end plumbing fixtures with quarter-turn shutoffs. Impeccably maintained, the marble and granite finishes and floors have been restored, polished and sealed. Cumaru Brazilian teak solid hardwood flooring is in the living area and bedrooms, custom Hunter Douglas duette honeycomb shades in living area and blackout window coverings in bedrooms. The amenities include a Residential Specialist at the lobby entrance, 24 hr security, and a gym with adjoining Ohana Lounge. The pool deck has three swimming pools, two whirlpools, gas BBQ's and cabana area with flat screen TV. All this in a spectacular Waikiki location close to dining, shopping, beaches. Additionally, Waikiki Landmark currently allows 30 day minimum rental as per house rules. Great for an investor or as a personal residence.
1888 Kalakaua Avenue 907 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Landmark Real Estate Llc (808) 973-1302
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