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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
The seller will pay A special assessment ($570.78 monthly till 12/25). Legal Short-Term Rental condominium in the heart of Waikiki! Renovated with new flooring, lights, countertops, furniture, cabinets, and appliances. A large recreation deck with a swimming pool, hot tub, BBQ area, kids playground, etc. Convenient store and coffee shop on site. This condo resides just one block from Waikiki Beach and is within walking distance of restaurants, shopping, entertainment, Honolulu Zoo, and Kapiolani Park. Live here year-round, part-time, or even for a few weeks out of the year, and rent out for income when you're not using it. Views from the lanai include Diamond Head, peak a boo ocean view, city, and recreation dec. The maintenance fee includes all utilities, including cable TV, internet, water, hot water, sewer security, and one unassigned parking stall. New elevators are being installed with modern and sharp interiors. This unit has a storage unit (118E) with an annual rental fee of $120. Whether you're looking for a full-time residence, a second home, or a vacation rental, this unit is of great value! The sandwich lease ends on November 30, 2035. This unit is priced to sell!
201 Ohua Avenue 1803 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Hi Choice Realty (808) 545-4989
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