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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Experience luxury and world-class service as a resident of The Ritz-Carlton Residences' iconic Grand Penthouse at Waikiki Beach. With every detail thoughtfully attended to by the men and women of The Ritz-Carlton, owners enjoy a seamless blend of warm aloha hospitality and impeccable service that makes ownership truly hassle-free. The residence offers 4,157 square feet of sophistication, where soaring dual-height ceilings frame breathtaking views of Diamond Head and the picturesque coastline. Enter through a grand foyer adorned w/walnut panels, leading to an open-concept great room, formal dining, & refined kitchen boasting custom finishes & state-of-the-art Miele appliances. Ascend to discover a serene loft area that combines intimacy & grandeur, culminating in a primary bedroom retreat with 270-degree beachside views. Custom furniture, rift oak floors, Calacatta marble, & brushed brass finishes elevate every corner. A rooftop retreat features a plunge pool, jacuzzi, & panoramic views of Waikiki. Here, authentic Hawaiian living comes alive—this Grand Penthouse is more than a home; it is an indulgent paradise awaiting you in the legacy luxury of The Residences.
2139 Kuhio Avenue #PH-E Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Deep Blue Hi (808) 628-7530
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