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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Nearly $100,000 in upgrades to this move-in ready unit! There are upgraded picturesque living room windows at a cost of $17,942.89 done in January 2021. This window system replaced the 49-year-old, single-paned window that most units still have. The new window system utilizes modern, dual-pane, low e, 1" insulated glass which is substantially quieter and reflects much more of the sun's heat (infrared radiation) and damaging rays (ultraviolet radiation). The Class I clear anodized aluminum extrusions are also much thicker for increased wind load capacity meeting modern requirements. The bedroom window was also recently replaced with a double paned slider. Also in 2021, a full unit renovation was done, including removal of the popcorn ceiling, luxury vinyl plank flooring added, and interior painting. Kitchen design is unique, with the sink in the rounded corner, soft close cabinets and quartz counter tops. Shower has a cute sliding barn door. All furniture is included (purchased from Ashley Honolulu), including a sofa that can be converted into a queen size bed. For the past 4 yrs, this unit has been used as a second vacation home, so it's hardly been used and in excellent condition.
2211 Ala Wai Boulevard 2414 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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