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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
LEGALLY ZONED SHORT TERM RENTAL STUDIO CONDO_There is nothing in the world like Waikiki, and those who love it really love it. Excellent location on High-floor with recent building improvements in the entire lobby level along with new soon to be announced Commercial Tenants. This 11th floor Studio is One of THE BEST CORNER UNITS/ 2 Lanai's affording excellent cooling tropical breezes and Beautiful Views of The Beach, Ocean Sunsets and Mountains. Fully Furnished/ Turn Key revenue generator, 1 block to Ocean across from the Hyatt Regency Waikiki; 3 min walk to Moco Hawaii Surf Rentals, Shorefyre Restaurant, across the street rentals incl. Biki Station 329, Motorcycle and Moped & ABC Store. King Bed on Platform, Full size sofa sleeper, fully stocked Kitchenette, 4 Pc Bathroom with window for great ventilation & Natural Light. DON'T WAIT CALL NOW!!: (Property MNG in place) there are only a handful of LEGAL SHORT TERM RENTAL PROPERTIES left in & around Waikiki. Dream beyond your Dreams ACT NOW>use it for yourself as a second home even if your in Kaneohe, Big Island, Canada, Japan or some where else in the world: BEST PLACE TO OWN PROPERTY BAR NONE... WORLD FAMOUS WAIKIKI BEACH
2450 Prince Edward Street 1103A Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Dna Realty (808) 781-9905
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