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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
This is the finest and most prestigious hotel condominium in Hawaii. Relax and enjoy the ultimate resort life with The Ritz-Carlton’s signature services. Fully furnished and includes upscale appliances and granite counter-tops, kitchenware, bath amenities, and linens. Within the hotel is renowned sushi chef, Mr. Nakazawa’s Sushi Sho restaurant, and a Dean & Deluca market. A very devoted concierge service and complimentary valet parking service for owners. The Ritz-Carlton Waikiki Residence consists of two towers, Ewa Tower which was built in 2014, and the Diamond Head Tower which was built in 2018. Unit E3002 is in the Ewa Tower which has 80 1bedroom units. Of the 80 1bedroom units, the 02 stack between floors 24 and 30 are 1bedroom units of the "Grand Level" residences and is the largest 1bedroom floorplan. Only 8 units with this particular layout. Monthly Maintenance Fee is $1,851.83, Monthly Reserve Assessment is $284.78.
383 Kalaimoku Street E3002 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Hawaiian Joy Llc (808) 923-1888
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