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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
REDUCED on 2/6/2024! THE BEST VALUE IN WAIKIKI! If unit does not sell soon, owner will remodel and raise the price. Stunning ocean & sunset views provides a relaxing retreat high above Waikiki! Recent upgrades include brand new blinds, new garbage disposal, new wiring, new smart light fixtures, & new dimmable switches! Resort like amenities include large swimming pool, barbecue cabanas, rec room, party room, weight room, cardio rooms, sauna, library, plus 24-hour security. Central AC has upgraded digital thermostat, UV filter that kills germs/bacteria/allergens, & powder coating prevents mold growth! Assigned, covered, & secured parking spot is just steps away from the elevator. Additional storage is available on the same floor as the unit. Walk, stroll or roll to the heart of Waikiki, Ala Moana Mall, Ala Wai Boat Harbor, world class surf breaks, Chart House restaurant, Harbor Pub, Waikiki Yacht Club & so much more! Assessment prepaid by the owner, & the central AC, electricity, hot water, water/sewer, trash/recycling, maintenance of common elements are included in the affordable monthly HOA. Parking space is possibly the best in the building, just 20 steps outside the lobby!
411 Hobron Lane 2806 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty (808) 725-2794
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