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Waikiki - Metro Honolulu
Discover a rare gem in the heart of Waikiki! This serene, pet-friendly corner unit in Aloha Towers-Ewa Tower offers a 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom condominium with exceptional quality and designer features. Relax or entertain on the expansive 1,221 sq. ft. lanai, featuring pergolas, vibrant tropical plants, and beautiful trees—perfectly complemented by direct access to the recreation deck, complete with a heated pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, and BBQ stations. Inside, soaring nine-foot ceilings lend a bright, open feel to the space. The chef-inspired kitchen shines with a gas range, sleek stainless steel appliances, and refined wooden cabinetry. The contemporary bathroom impresses with a custom walk-in shower tower, mosaic tile accents, and a brand-new in-unit washer/dryer. The generous bedroom includes a walk-in closet with a tailored storage system. Enjoy resort-style amenities like 24-hour security, a car wash, a pet play zone, secure surfboard and bike storage, and an on-site convenience store. The all-inclusive maintenance fee covers central A/C, electricity, cable/Wi-Fi, sewer, water, hot water, and common maintenance of the building.
430 Lewers Street 505 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Living Llc (808) 943-9000
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