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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Enjoy serene parklike views from the best location in Waipuna while relaxing from your HUGE lanai with teak flooring! Located on the 2nd floor you feel like you are literally on your own private lake complete with manmade waterfalls, lush trees, gurgling fountains & even playful ducks. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment has the one of the largest lanais and contains more square footage of other homes within the Waipuna! This freshly painted home feature upgrades to include a chic AIA designed & published kitchen with stainless steel appliances, subzero refrigerator/freezer, plenty of cabinets & granite counter tops, marble & plank flooring, mirrored walls, built-ins & contemporary light fixtures. This home comes w/ an assigned storage locker & TWO covered parking stalls just steps from the unit without even needing the elevator. The building is pet-friendly, well-managed & located in Waikiki's preferred Hobron neighborhood. Amenities include lots of guest parking, 24-hr security, pool, BBQ, sauna, gym, meeting/party & exercise rooms, golf, library, Squash/Pickle Courts, car wash area & more! Great price & incredibly low monthly HOA fees for what you get! Must close by 12/27/2024
469 Ena Road 206 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Anthony L. Pace
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