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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
2.25% VA ASSUMABLE LOAN FOR A VA BORROWER, TWO DEEDED PARKING SPACES and FULLY INSURED WITH NO INSURANCE GAP ISSUES!!! Welcome to the 27th floor of the classic Waipuna building in Waikiki! Offering breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, Diamond Head, Ft. DeRussy Park, & the Waikiki skyline. The highly desirable "08" stack boasts picturesque views, excellent cross ventilation, and a large covered lanai...a perfect end-of-the-day spot to soak in the beauty of Waikiki below. The 2021 unit upgrades add even more appeal to this already impressive, turnkey unit. From the new kitchen backsplash to the fresh interior painting, vinyl flooring, and custom window treatments, every item seems meticulously designed and well appointed. The addition of high-end, stainless steel appliances, including a whirlpool double oven, Bosch dishwasher, and GE double door refrigerator ensures both style and functionality. Known for its resort-like amenities, you will find a serenity pond with a gazebo and surrounding walking paths, tennis/pickleball courts, putting green, heated pool, sauna, library, surfboard & bike racks. Pet friendly, on-site resident manager, and 24/7 building security detail.
469 Ena Road 2708 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 735-4200
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