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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
Stunning Waikiki Penthouse - a pinnacle of luxurious island living with breathtaking panoramic views of the ocean & Diamond Head. Step onto the expansive lanai, enjoy the captivating city skyline, alluring daytime, nighttime scenes, & occasional fireworks shows. Embrace the seamless indoor/outdoor living experience, courtesy of the elegant sliding glass walls. High-end finishes throughout - custom mahogany built-ins, sleek granite countertops, & travertine flooring, harmoniously blending to create an atmosphere of refined sophistication. With a split AC system, an audio/video system, two covered side-by-side parking stalls, & a storage locker, this condo ensures both comfort and practicality. The Waipuna complex, nestled in the serene part of Waikiki, delivers both tranquility & convenience. Amenities galore - a garden, pool, gym, tennis court, dry saunas—offer a wealth of relaxation & recreation options. Unbeatable location, with multiple surf breaks, diverse dining options, & the world's largest open-air shopping center, Ala Moana, all nearby. Waikiki’s vibrant nightlife & entertainment are just a short stroll, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds-privacy & excitement.
469 Ena Road 3702 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Redfin Corporation (808) 201-2821
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